CE adalah program open source (gratis) yang di buat oleh Dark Byte dan seperti pada namanya program ini berfungsi untuk mencheat atau bisa dikatakan bermain curang di sebuah game, soft ini dapat digunakan untuk game online, seperti Ninja Saga, Dragon City, dll, dan untuk game offlinenya hampir semua game offline dapat dicheat menggunakan Cheat Engine. Untuk cara penggunaanya di masing-masing game, silahkan cari di search engine
Fixes :
– Fixed dll injection for 64-bit targets (also fixes speedhack for 64-bit and windows 8)
– Fixed speedhack thread safety so changing speed in a program that constantly checks speed won’t cause a crash/weird behaviour
– Fixed Lua speedhack_setSpeed being limited to 2 digit accuracy
– Customtypes can now deal with huge size types (4096 bytes and bigger)
– Some table merging bugs
– Fixed negative values in groupscans
– Fixed a lot of assembler and disassembler instructions
– Fixed GenericHotkey in lua
– Fixed the table version of writeBytes in lua
– Fixed the bug where if you opened the settings window and click ok you wouldn’t be able to debug anymore
– Fixed unlabed labels
– Fixed crash when clicking stop when using the debugger to find something
– Fixed where CE would select invisible entries when multiselecting and press space
– Loading a table now deletes tables you might have previously defined
-The autoassembler can now handle $luavar when it’s an integer instead of string
– Fixed break on entry when creating a process
– Fixed the stackview in 64-bit ce when targeting a 32-bit program
– Fixed unloading the driver when global debug was used before
– Fixed the symbolpath not changing to what you wish, and add the game’s exe to the symbol path search by default
– Fixed dbvm stability
– Fixed global debug not handling 64-bit mov dr* instructions properly
Additions and changes:
– Redesigned the lua class system (read main.lua)
– Added mouse4 and mouse5 to the lua defines
– Added the THREADSTACK# symbol which points to the stack start of the specific thread number (pointerscan can use it)
– The pointerscan has several new features to decrease time and increase useful results
– Added sorting the pointerscan by column (Tip: After a sort close the pointerscan and delete .ptr files you do not wish)
– Changed hotkey handling internally
– The different display types in the hexadecimal view of memoryview now support direct editing as well
– The foundlist can now display using a different display type, on the condition that the type has a compatibly bytesize
– The foundlist now shows a “previous value” column and marks differences red
– The symbolhandler now has a better distinction between 32 and 64-bit modules. Non-compatible modules (64-bit in 32-bit programs) will get an underscore in front of their symbolnames
– Groupscans can now let you choose which elements to add to the addresslist when doubleclicked
– Added a graphical memory view
– Added a new breakpoint type :Exceptions (not dependant on size and no debug registers, but extremely slow to unplayable)
– The “Find out what *** this address” function now has the ability to show if the given opcode is used for other data as well
– Added a luaserver to ce that you can use to let a different/target process execute lua commands and pass data
– The userdefined comments can now show handle multiple lines
– Dissect code now lets you jump to a referal if you click the line
– Added a few new lua methods to the disassembler so you can render your own data in front and after a disassembler line
– Assembler: Added override support to relative jumps
– Auto Assembler: AA command ReadMem can now work on large sets of data without being too slow
– Auto Assembler: Scripts with multiple AOBScan commands will go faster now (grouped into one)
– Auto Assembler: Added a new “AOBSCANMODULE” auto assemble command . Usage: AOBSCANMODULE(modulename, aob)
– Auto Assembler: GlobalAlloc now doesn’t allocate 4KB (64KB in reality) for each symbol but now groups them
– Auto Assembler: Registersymbol now works with aobscan results
– Auto Assembler: Add support for inscript structure definitions
– Tracer: You can now save and load a trace
– Addresslist: Changing a records’ value (lua setValue) now supports lua statements if the new value is enclosed by brackets [ ] (Example: [12-2] becomes 10, and [readInteger(0x00400500)+10] returns the value at 00400500 with 10 added to it)
– D3D: Added the ability to dissect a whole d3d scene and get the stack at the moment a specific object is being rendered
– D3D: Also works on 64-bit targets now
– Symbolhandler: It now interprets “structurename.variablename” and returns the offset of variablename in the structure. This includes auto assembler
– Binary files inside cheat tables are now stored using ascii85 instead of hexadecimal
– Added a more complex disassembler class that gives more information about what it disassembled
– Dissect data now also shows the effect of a locked column on childnodes
– Dissect data can now have custom name under each address besides a groupname
– Dissect data elements can now have a custom background color
– The structure spider can now also work with locked memory (shadow memory)
– Changed the way the vertical scrollbars of the disassembler and hexview panels work
– The “find what acceses this address” window no longr prints out ALL results in the info box when multiselecting.
– Changed the stackview panel so when it’s visible and you resize the window it’s on, it resizes instead of the hexview
– The assembly scan can now have a custom range
– Added an option to the trainerscript generator to generate a D3DTrainer (if the game supports it)
– DBVM now works on AMD systems. Some features like Ultimap are still Intel only, but int hooks work
System Requirments :
Windows NT/98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Additions and changes:
Cheat Engine 6.3
– Fixed dll injection for 64-bit targets (also fixes speedhack for 64-bit and windows 8)
– Fixed speedhack thread safety so changing speed in a program that constantly checks speed won’t cause a crash/weird behaviour
– Fixed Lua speedhack_setSpeed being limited to 2 digit accuracy
– Customtypes can now deal with huge size types (4096 bytes and bigger)
– Some table merging bugs
– Fixed negative values in groupscans
– Fixed a lot of assembler and disassembler instructions
– Fixed GenericHotkey in lua
– Fixed the table version of writeBytes in lua
– Fixed the bug where if you opened the settings window and click ok you wouldn’t be able to debug anymore
– Fixed unlabed labels
– Fixed crash when clicking stop when using the debugger to find something
– Fixed where CE would select invisible entries when multiselecting and press space
– Loading a table now deletes tables you might have previously defined
-The autoassembler can now handle $luavar when it’s an integer instead of string
– Fixed break on entry when creating a process
– Fixed the stackview in 64-bit ce when targeting a 32-bit program
– Fixed unloading the driver when global debug was used before
– Fixed the symbolpath not changing to what you wish, and add the game’s exe to the symbol path search by default
– Fixed dbvm stability
– Fixed global debug not handling 64-bit mov dr* instructions properly
Additions and changes:
– Redesigned the lua class system (read main.lua)
– Added mouse4 and mouse5 to the lua defines
– Added the THREADSTACK# symbol which points to the stack start of the specific thread number (pointerscan can use it)
– The pointerscan has several new features to decrease time and increase useful results
– Added sorting the pointerscan by column (Tip: After a sort close the pointerscan and delete .ptr files you do not wish)
– Changed hotkey handling internally
– The different display types in the hexadecimal view of memoryview now support direct editing as well
– The foundlist can now display using a different display type, on the condition that the type has a compatibly bytesize
– The foundlist now shows a “previous value” column and marks differences red
– The symbolhandler now has a better distinction between 32 and 64-bit modules. Non-compatible modules (64-bit in 32-bit programs) will get an underscore in front of their symbolnames
– Groupscans can now let you choose which elements to add to the addresslist when doubleclicked
– Added a graphical memory view
– Added a new breakpoint type :Exceptions (not dependant on size and no debug registers, but extremely slow to unplayable)
– The “Find out what *** this address” function now has the ability to show if the given opcode is used for other data as well
– Added a luaserver to ce that you can use to let a different/target process execute lua commands and pass data
– The userdefined comments can now show handle multiple lines
– Dissect code now lets you jump to a referal if you click the line
– Added a few new lua methods to the disassembler so you can render your own data in front and after a disassembler line
– Assembler: Added override support to relative jumps
– Auto Assembler: AA command ReadMem can now work on large sets of data without being too slow
– Auto Assembler: Scripts with multiple AOBScan commands will go faster now (grouped into one)
– Auto Assembler: Added a new “AOBSCANMODULE” auto assemble command . Usage: AOBSCANMODULE(modulename, aob)
– Auto Assembler: GlobalAlloc now doesn’t allocate 4KB (64KB in reality) for each symbol but now groups them
– Auto Assembler: Registersymbol now works with aobscan results
– Auto Assembler: Add support for inscript structure definitions
– Tracer: You can now save and load a trace
– Addresslist: Changing a records’ value (lua setValue) now supports lua statements if the new value is enclosed by brackets [ ] (Example: [12-2] becomes 10, and [readInteger(0x00400500)+10] returns the value at 00400500 with 10 added to it)
– D3D: Added the ability to dissect a whole d3d scene and get the stack at the moment a specific object is being rendered
– D3D: Also works on 64-bit targets now
– Symbolhandler: It now interprets “structurename.variablename” and returns the offset of variablename in the structure. This includes auto assembler
– Binary files inside cheat tables are now stored using ascii85 instead of hexadecimal
– Added a more complex disassembler class that gives more information about what it disassembled
– Dissect data now also shows the effect of a locked column on childnodes
– Dissect data can now have custom name under each address besides a groupname
– Dissect data elements can now have a custom background color
– The structure spider can now also work with locked memory (shadow memory)
– Changed the way the vertical scrollbars of the disassembler and hexview panels work
– The “find what acceses this address” window no longr prints out ALL results in the info box when multiselecting.
– Changed the stackview panel so when it’s visible and you resize the window it’s on, it resizes instead of the hexview
– The assembly scan can now have a custom range
– Added an option to the trainerscript generator to generate a D3DTrainer (if the game supports it)
– DBVM now works on AMD systems. Some features like Ultimap are still Intel only, but int hooks work
System Requirments :
Windows NT/98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Cheat Engine 6.4 :
· Network:
Network server can now handle multiple incoming connections at the same time
· Gui: Fixed a
crash when using multiple scan tabs
Assembler/Disassembler: Fixed several assembler/disassembler bugs
· Debug: Fixed
issues where deleting a breakpoint wouldn't actually remove it, causing a crash
· Debug: Fixed a
problem where deleting a breakpoint that was marked for deletion would never
happen if the game was constantly triggering the debugger
· Lua: Fixed the
6.2 and earlier version of opendialog_execute
· Lua: Fixed
memscan.waitTillDone() when using it on the gui memscan
· Lua: Fixed
speedhack_setSpeed() not taking more than 3 digits
· D3D Hook:
Direct3D9 objects now support transparency
· D3D Hook: Fix
detection of which directx version is actually used for rendering
· Dissect Data:
Fixed the column click detection when scrolled
· Auto
Assembler: Fixed some commands not highlighting properly
· Ultimap: Fixed
ultimap so it now works in windows 8
· Ultimap: Fixed
the hotkeys
· Ultimap: Fixed
the hint popup for pre-emptive flushing
· Symbols: Fixed
a problem where 32-bit modules where detected as 64-bit
· Memory Scan:
Fixed next scan causing a buffer overflow in some rare situations
· Form Designer:
Fixed a problem where deleting a non visible object failed (press the delete
key in the object inspector tree)
· Trainer
Designer: Fixed the go back to generated form from functioning and related
· PE-Info: Fixed
a possibility where a bad PE header could cause an read error
· Memory view:
Hexview: Fix 8-byte value editing
· Syntax
Highlighters LUA/AA: Fixed UTF8 encoded text
· Syntax
Highlighters AA: Added xmm registers
Additions and changes:
· Address List:
Added a group option that shows a +/- sign in front of group entries
· Address List:
Pressing enter on a single entry now goes into value edit mode
· Address List:
Added an option so certain entries in the address list show a groupbox the user
can pick from
· Auto
Assembler: New auto assembler templates that focus on Array of Byte
scans(thanks to jgoemat)
· Auto
Assembler: The auto assembler can now handle {$LUA} and {$ASM} preprocessors
for multiline lua scripts
· Break And
Trace: Added a donottrace.txt file in the base directory which holds a list of
modules that should not be traced but stepped over instead
· Pointerscan:
Improved performance of the pointer scanner
· Pointerscan:
The pointerscan now has the option to generate a lot smaller .PTR files
· Pointerscan:
Added the ability to do a distributed pointerscan and pointer rescan
· ProcessList:
You can now type in the processlist to filter for the specific process
· Network: Added
a basic ARM assembler/disasembler
· Network: The
linux/android network version can now use basic debugging (find what
· Network: Added
speedhack to the network version
· Network: The
network version now compresses read/write process memory before sending to the
client. The compression level can be changed at runtime
· Network: Added
module injection for linux/android
· Symbols: Added
better support for .PDB debug files so parameters and local variable references
show when that data is available
· Symbols: Added
support for .Net
· Symbols: Added
support for Java (proof-of-concept showing off the extendabilty of CE)
· Symbols: Added
support for Mono (^)
· Memory view: Hexview:
Added decimal display modes for the other types
· Memory View:
Added shift-scrollng to the hexview and disassembler so you can scroll by 1
byte changes instead of the default calculated sizes
· Stack View:
Added a search option
· D3D Hook: you
can now reattach the D3D hook to a process that previously had been hooked
· Lua engine
window: Added a search and replace option to the editor
· Lua engine
window: Added the ability to set breakpoints, inspect variables and step over
· Lua engine window:
Enabled tab indentation of blocks
· Lua engine
window: Some extra customization options
· Trainer
Generator: Replaced the beepOnAction with playSoundOnAction and added 2 build
in activate/deativate sounds. (You can override them)
· Trainer
Generator: The XM file field now has a play button
· Lua/Trainer
Generator/Designer: Added several new components , propertes and methods.
· Lua: Added a
dll search path to cedir\clibs32 or cedir\clibs64 depending on which cheat
engine version is used. Use it for lua extentions
· Lua: Made it
more forgiving about method and property names
· Lua: Added
some threading helper functions
· Lua: You can
now override the disassembler/assembler
· Lua: Lots of other new features. Check out
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